
Dermaplaning is a technique that is safely performed using a surgical instrument and a blade specifically for dermaplaning. The skin is prepped and held taut, then the technician holds the blade at a 45 degree angle and gently scraped the skin. This removes the top layer of dead skin cells and vellus hair.


Is it safe?

Dermaplaning is very safe when performed by a professionally trained aesthetician.

Is there any downtime?

No, your skin will instantly have a healthier glow and will feel amazing! Makeup will go on smoother for a flawless finish. This is a great procedure to have before a social or special event.

Once the vellus hair is removed will it grow back thicker?

No, the fine soft vellus hair will grow back slowly in about 4 weeks. Vellus hair is the thin, fine and soft hair that typically covers our whole body. This hair cannot be altered by Dermaplaning.

How often is this procedure done?

Dermaplaning can be performed every 4 weeks.

Will my skin peel?

No, Dermaplaning will not cause your skin to peel.

Am I a candidate?

Dermaplaning is a great treatment for all skin types. It can help correct pigmentation concerns and provides a youthful, healthy glow.

Who cannot be treated?

Clients with acne breakouts or cold sores must wait until lesions are healed. Dermaplaning is great for diminishing acne scars but should not be performed during active breakouts.

Clients with bleeding disorders or difficulty clotting should not be treated.

Clients with uncontrolled diabetes should not be treated.

Clients undergoing cancer treatment should not be treated.